Future Worlds center announces the International launch of the project
“Reinventing Democracy in the Digital Era”




Future Worlds Center, announces the launch of the project “Reinventing Democracy in the Digital Era” funded by The United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF).
“Reinventing Democracy in the Digital Era” is a two-year project coordinated by Future Worlds Center, a Cypriot organization, in partnership with “Talents Coaching & Consulting Kenya Ltd” in Kenya, the University of Kwansei Gakuin in Japan and the National University of Patagonia in Argentina. The main objective of the project is to increase youth participation in the democratic process within the context of digital era.

The expulsion of young people from the democratic process is an issue which needs to be solved promptly. Achieving meaningful youth participation in democratic governance and decision making processes is the main challenge our project aims to address.


Through their participation in Structure Democratic Dialogue workshops which will be held in five different cities in the world, in four different continents, 1000 young people will design action plans and lay the foundations for coordinated action, such as the co-writing of an e-book, a manifesto for the 21st century and the creation of 50 video clips entitled “50 proposals for action”. Finally, 5 financial awards will be offered for the funding of the 5 best proposals.

The project runs under the coordination of two units of our organization, the Futures Design Unit and the Unit of Global Education.

More information will be out soon via the website of our organization (www.futureworldscenter.org) and the project dedicated website ( http://reinventdemocracy.info/w/index.php?title=Main_Page ) as well as our Social Media accounts on Facebook and Twitter. You can also contact the Project Coordinator, Maria Georgiou, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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