International Citizens Forum – Let’s get active

On the 15-17th of October 2015, Future Worlds Center is organizing an International Citizens Forum at the Classic Hotel in Nicosia, Cyprus. Citizens from all over Europe will come together to work on developing solutions and recommendations for increasing citizens’ participation in the democratic life of EU through an interactive structured dialogue co-laboratory.

The two-day event will be organized as an interactive co-laboratory, fully utilizing up-to-date methodologies and technologies of the science of structured dialogic design (SDD). The expectations are that by the end of the process the participants will have developed a collective vision and shared commitment to propose solutions and develop a roadmap of recommended actions and policies.

The Structured Dialogic Design (SDDSM) process is a methodology which supports the generation of truly democratic and structured dialogue amongst teams of stakeholders with diverse views and perspectives. It is grounded on 6 complex systems and cybernetics axioms and 7 laws from systems science.

The event is taking place in the framework of the project "Let’s get Active! Incentives for citizens’ active participation in the democratic life of the European Union” which is implemented with the financial support of the Europe for Citizens programme of the European Union.

To apply, please complete the following online electronic form by the 9th of October 2015:
For more information please visit our website: