Let's get Active! Final results

Please read the following article on the final results of The project « ACTIVEU. Let’s get active! Incentives for citizens active participation in the democratic life of the European Union » was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme "Europe for Citizens".

Reinventing Democracy in the Digital Era
Press Release

In the week of 8th-12th of February, 20 young people between the ages of 18-30 gathered in Platres to discuss issues of democratic governance, under the project “Reinventing Democracy in the Digital Era” which is funded by the United Nations Democracy Fund and it is implemented by the non-governmental organization Future Worlds Center.

Vacancy at Future Worlds Center

The Future Worlds Centre is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that closely co-operates with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Representation in Cyprus, a humanitarian and non-political organization mandated by the United Nations to protect refugees and stateless persons and help them find lasting solutions to their problems.

Under a UNHCR-funded project, the Future Worlds Centre is looking to hire a highly motivated individual to assist in providing free legal advice and support to asylum seekers and refugees and is inviting qualified candidates to apply.

Human Rights violations and environmental damage in orange juice production
Study by SUPPLY CHAINGE Campaign uncovers deliberate infringements along European orange juice supply chains.

In 2013 the average European consumer drank 11 litres of orange juice per year, 80% of which is imported from Brazil. The study published today by Future Worlds Center, Christliche Initiative Romero e.V. (CIR, Germany) and GLOBAL 2000 (Austria) investigates the entire orange juice supply chain, extending from plantations in Brazil to European supermarkets. Being a first-hand investigation, the research uncovers precarious working conditions as well as presenting new insights into the devastating ecological impact of global orange juice production.